ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE 1/1 TTR by Paul Gadzikowski Bits of this work may derive from properties of the BBC, Fox, Paramount, et al., but it's non-profit and in no way intrudes on their markets. THIS TIME ROUND created by Tyler Dion, after Kielle "Finally," said Doctor Eight. "Finally what?" asked Adric, behind the 'Round bar, serving Doctor Eight a mint julep without being told. "It's been more than a week since Imran posted that dark alternate Doctor story," Doctor Eight explained, "and people are only just going back to not falling silent when I walk in here, and to not smiling too wide when they speak to me. Particularly the tie-in companions who were in the story." "Being a pariah is no fun, is it?" said Adric, but Doctor Eight had been distracted. Someone down the bar had chuckled bitterly at Doctor Eight's comment. It was the Valeyard. "Is something wrong?" Doctor Eight asked pointedly. "Oh, nothing," said the Valeyard. "Here I am, supposedly the quintessence of everything that's evil in you - and you're still a better villain than I am." FIN |