Disclaimer - Doctor Who is the property of the BBC. Any person or persons
mentioned herein are meant to be entirely fictional, and not a representation
of any person in reality. Any reality.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
by JFG

At This Time Round, Jamie was feeding the fireplace with
strangely shaped broken slabs of wood while Victoria put out
bowls of marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers.

"Where did this come from, hmm?" asked the 1st Doctor,
examining the wood.

"Och, I found them in a hotel in Chicago in 1998. A lassie was
chopping them up with her hands."

"Do they not have axes in Chicago? My Doctor said the 20th
century had much tesh-- technology. In my tribe, old
Grandmother Guidron made fine axes. Knives, axes, spear points -
anything that was sharp," said Leela, nibbling on a graham cracker.

"Happen that they do have them, but this was part of a show - like
the strong men who'd offer to bend horseshoes without a hammer
at the fairs at home," said Jamie. "No horses, nor kine, though."

"What were you doing in Chicago?" asked Polly, who was setting
out plates.

"There was an advertisement for something called 'Visions', and
Themselves - " Jamie said, pointing to the 2nd, 4th and 7th Doctors
who were having a pun contest " - thought it had something to do
with their Panthers..."

"Pythia" Victoria quietly supplied.

".... or with that LSD mine took," put in Ace. "Boy, did that make
him sick to his stomach. Told him he shouldn't have eaten before

"They went for a look." Jamie finished desperately, looking at

"Anyway, " she said, picking up the story, "it was just a meeting
of people who like that dreadful 'Doctor X' show the Doctors are
so fond of - exhibits, costumes, games, music - very much like
a country fair, now that I think of it, but, as Jamie said, no bad

"I wonder what kind of a living the chopping lady makes by
putting on shows like that?' asked Peri.

"A poor sort, I should think. I believe most people use oil or gas
heat in that region, not open fires," said the 5th Doctor. "Perhaps
we could throw some business her way. There's the Tardis'
stacked roof - I've been meaning to repair it for ages......."