TTR: Casting The Mold
By Daniel Ben-Zvi

Hex was halfway to the loos when the feeling first overtook him. It
started as a mild rumbling in the pit of his stomach, the slight
twinge his body would throw at him to let him know he was operating on
far too much caffeine and far too little else. It was a familiar
feeling, one born of too many nights running a double shift down in

That lasted for about five seconds before it,
escalated...into a wave of nausea the likes of which he couldn't
remember having experienced before. The taste of last week's salmon
flooded back into his mouth as Hex fought to keep down the meager
contents of his stomach.

It felt, Hex thought, like he'd had far too much to drink.
Which was strange, in a way, because he didn't drink...

...did he?

[It was only a quick glimpse through the curtain, he thought. He just
wanted to prove to himself that the Doctor and Ace had been kidding
when they'd told him just how large the crowd was going to be. Just
one look, thought Hex, and he'd be able to prove that this was just
some sort of weird, elaborate joke. After all, there was no way that
Jo Dee would put herself at this much risk...

"Bloody hell," said Hex under his breath, "there must be a hundred
people out there."

"Actually, it's closer to two hundred."

Hex jumped slightly, startled by the Doctor's sudden appearance out of
seemingly nowhere. I really should be used to this, by now. He's
done it often enough.

"In addition," said the Doctor, "there are the television cameras
ready and waiting."

"And to think," cracked Ace, sauntering casually in, "you thought Jo
Dee was drunk."

He had, in fact. It had only been a quiet night out, a spot of
karaoke in a Nashville bar, a little rest and relaxation in between
fighting off the monsters and saving the universe. It had become a
little more than that when, at Ace's prompting, he'd gone onstage to
sing a number...and stunned the audience into silence. He could still
remember the sight of Ace in the audience, mouth hanging open in slack

The Doctor, on the other hand, had just sat there and smiled. As if
he knew exactly what would happen.

He'd been offered deals from three record labels on the spot, each of
which he'd politely declined. It was then that he'd met Jo Dee.
She'd been hard to miss...statuesque, flaming red hair, with a
personality that could literally light up a room. They'd flirted,
briefly. Then Jo Dee had divulged that she was engaged and Hex turned
bright red.

She'd laughed at that. A bright, brassy laugh that just oozed joy.

"Don't sweat it, stud. But tell you what...let me make you an offer.
I know you're not looking for a record deal but I've got a little show
coming up in two days. How'd you like to do a number with me?"


"Did you have something else in mind," she smiled.

And that had led to this. An audience two hundred strong, a TV crew
from CMT...and nerves bad enough to make violent nausea seem like an
attractive option.

"How's it hanging, stud?" Jo Dee strolled by, dressed to impress in a
snug fitting black blouse and a tight pair of jeans. "You ok?"

"Terrified, actually."

"You and everybody else in this town before they go on, hon. But
don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Hex smiled back at her. "Don't you dare."

"Ooh, fire. I like that."

They'd gone out together, Hex taking a moment to absorb the presence
of the crowd. Jo Dee introduced him, using his real name, which made
him feel slightly uncomfortable. That discomfort vanished when Jo Dee
turned to look at him and mouthed "You ready?"

Hex just nodded. And the moment the music began, it was as if
everything else disappeared. His nerves, the crowds, the Doctor and was just him and Jo Dee.

" bring on the rain..."]

It had taken Fitz some time to make his way down towards the loos
after Hex. He'd been worried, of course, when he'd seen Hex walk
away. The slight greenish tinge to his complexion, the mild stumble
in his walk...for someone who'd not touched a drop of the hard stuff,
thought Fitz, which was not a good sign. But there had been orders to
fill and drinks to had been a relief when Harry had finally
come around to relieve him.

That feeling of relief was quickly turning to worry as Fitz turned the
corner, spying Hex on his knees, a pool of sick slowly spreading below
him. He bent down towards Hex.

"You ok, mate?" he asked.

"No..." Hex replied groggily.

It was all Fitz could do not to stumble backward in shock.
This...this didn't look like the man he'd spoken to not twenty minutes
ago. He was dressed the same...but nothing else about him resembled
the man Fitz had spoken to. Hair color, physical appearance, body
language...not one bit of it was the same. The Hex he'd just spoken
too had been skinny...not rather noticeably fit. And his hair had
been black, Fitz remembered that...not dark blond. It was

Which was why, though Fitz, it was just so stupid that his brain chose
that exact moment to fixate on the tiniest little detail.

"You didn't have an accent before."

[The baseball bat swung forward gracefully in his hand, the guard
crumpling to a heap at his feet as the bat walloped him up the head.
To his left, Ace was fighting off her attacker with a series of
pointed kicks to his stomach and nether regions.

Hex could still hear the countdown echoing throughout the chamber.
They were trying desperately to buy the Doctor enough time to stop the
explosion but he wasn't sure it would be enough. To his right, Alicia
groaned, slowly getting up from the floor.

"Take it easy," said Hex, "that was a hell of a shot you took. You
could have concussion. We should get you to a hospital."


"I think," said Alicia, "we've got other things to worry about."

"Professor!" yelled Ace. "If you've got any tricks up your sleeve,
now's the time!"

"," came the Doctor's familiar burr in response.


"He did it....YEAH!"

Hex was silenced as Alicia launched herself at him, wrapping his arms
around him in a crushing hug. He simply stood there, wrapping his
arms around her, taking a moment to enjoy the smell of the air.]

The conversation came in snatches, drifting in and out of his

"Is he all right?"

[God, Doctor, dinner was amazing!]

"I think so. He's just been through a hell of a lot in a very short
time. Not sure why this particular author had him go through it like
this, though."

[Us? We save the universe. Eight times a week, twice on Sundays.]

"But why now? His debut won't be for another five months yet."

[I'm having the time of my life. I can't imagine ever wanting to

"Who knows? There's obviously something about him that seems to
fascinate this particular author. Or at least raise his interest."

[It's been great, Doctor...but it's time for me to go. I have my own
life to lead.]

Hex groaned, clutching at his head as several figures swam into vision
before him. He recognized Fitz from before and he knew that the
dark-haired beauty in T-shirt and jeans was Ace...although he wasn't
quite sure how...but when it came to the other three, he was drawing
complete blanks.

"Good morning, handsome," tittered the short-haired blond in what
looked like Edwardian clothing...or something similarly old-fashioned.

"Charley!" hissed the professionally dressed Pakistani woman seated
next to her.

"What? He is very attractive."

"He is that," added another dark-haired woman seated at the head of
the table. "And the way he fills out that leather jacket...he
obviously works out. Several times a week, from the looks of things."

"I fit in as much as I can around my shifts..." started Hex before
coming to a stop. "Wait a second...who are you?"

The blond smiled at him. "You already know Fitz and Ace...or will
know Ace, to be precise," she said. "That's Anji," pointing to the
Pakistani woman, "Izzy," to the dark-haired woman who wasn't Ace, "and
I'm Charlotte Pollard. But everyone calls me Charley.""

"Hector. But everyone calls me Hex."

"Just Hector?" asked Fitz.

Hex thought for a moment. "You know, I'm not quite sure."

"Definitely from the North...Merseyside?" asked Anji.

Hex nodded. Anji leaned back, a satisfied smile on her face.

"What happened?" asked Hex.

Ace smiled at him warmly. "You weren't exactly in fit shape to pick
this up. So I got it for you when we got the call." And she handed
him an envelope with his name (Hex, he noted, not Hector) written on
it in ornate silver calligraphy pen. He opened it, finding inside a
sheet of paper with the following words written on it:


Dan Abnett

Doc7, Ace, Hex (intro).

June 2004.

Izzy smiled at him wickedly. "One of us..." she hissed playfully.

"Stop it," smiled Anji, "he's confused enough."

"What's going on?"

"You got the call, mate," said Ace. "You've got your first official
story lined up. Welcome to our world."

"Welcome to monsters," said Izzy.

"And last minute rescues," added Fitz.

"Daring escapes, fanatical improvisation," chimed in Anji.

"And fantastic adventures," finished Charlie.

"Welcome," said Ace, "to having all of time and space put out before
you like some cosmic toy store. Welcome to having the time of your
life...and wondering whether or not you'll survive it. Welcome to
love and laughter and anger and tears and more excitement than you
could possibly imagine."

"Welcome to life onboard the TARDIS. Welcome to our world."

And although he wasn't quite sure why...

...Hex found he couldn't keep himself from smiling.

Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" was created by the BBC.

"This Time Round" was created by Tyler Dion.

Hex is set to be created by Dan Abnett.

Izzy belongs to Marvel. Charley belongs to Big Finish. Ace, Fitz and
Anji belong to the BBC.

Summary: Things start to slide into place...and possibilities begin to
open up.