An Easy Day's Night
by Johnny Pez

        For a change, quiet reigned in This Time Round. It helped that
Francois was tending bar, for few would willingly trifle with a
full-grown Ogron. It also helped that Nyssa and Adric were off on an
adventure with one of the Doctors. As though the unaccustomed peace
acted as a siren song, the bar had attracted all the quietest denizens
of the multiverse. A group of Belcerebons from Kakrafoon Kappa sat at
one table, discussing in muted tones the merits of various Kdatlyno
touch-sculptors. Perpugilliam Brown, dressed in a smart-looking
calf-length blue dress, was seated with Victoria Waterfield comparing
the shopping experiences of various times and worlds. Ian Chesterton
and Julian Bashir were having a game of darts, while Miles O'Brien and
Harry Sullivan looked on appreciatively. Off in a corner, a chess game
between Lt. Commander Data and R. Daneel Olivaw had attracted a small
crowd of Sindarin elves.
        Small snatches of conversation occasionally floated up. "...ever
been to the water bazaar on Inter Minor..." "...queen's knight takes
pawn..." "...while Lloobee of course worked mainly with fractal
geometries..." "...should have seen the look on Quark's face..."
"...attempted to open with a classic Fornost gambit..." "...can't get
that color anywhere else in the..."
        Then every conversation came to an abrupt halt as, totally contrary
to the laws of drama, the bar's doors failed to fly open to reveal a
gun-toting, trigger happy menace. An uneasy silence continued until a
Dublin-accented voice asked, "Another round, Harry?"
        "Don't mind if I do, Miles."
        "Ever been to Harrod's in the 1960s?"
        "Pawn to queen's knight four."
        "That of course marked the end of the visual school of..."
        "...this pair of exquisite boots with..."
        "...Barbara had forgotten about..."
        "...caught in a fork..."
        "...easy to understand..."
        "...whole shipment of..."
        Francois nodded to himself in contentment. Some nights, the
excitement never started.
