Magnus: "Well, what have we got?"
Varne: "Four Adrics, two Francois, and a few idiots and no credit."
Magnus: "No prospective employers?"
Varne: "Well Number One might be looking for competent staff."
Magnus: "I have enough problems with one shape changer. Besides, as a
matter of professional etiquette, killing Adrics is Nyssa's preserve."
Varne: "Well, you could try the poker game."
Magnus: "Come again?"
Varne "The one the Adrics are playing; they aren't that good and
they don't know what you are. It's only the original who is likely to
be cautious - the other three would jump at the chance of ripping off
an outsider. After all, they will take cash from you, which is more than
the bar staff will."
Magnus: "One of them works here."
Varne: "Yes, but he never gets round to reading employer notices."
Magnus "What the hell." There is a flash of smoke. "Oops, must watch
my language. I think I am allergic to brimstone. Well, I will give it a
Moving over to the table Magnus kibitzes. The suited Adric frowns at
Magnus: "I always thought poker is better played with five than four."
Coyote: "I think I know you."
Magnus: "Then you know I can play."


Varne "If Coyote knew what you can do, how come he was the Adric you
cleaned out?"
Magnus: "Oh, that was easy. He was so busy trying to work out if I was
using power to alter reality, he never noticed when I dealt off the
bottom of the pack."