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Welcome to the This Time Round Archive, home to stories about the 'Doctor Who' pub outside continuity-
Wait, wait. 'Doctor Who'?
Ah. If you want to know more about 'Doctor Who', then check out the BBC's official 'Doctor Who' website or A Brief History of Time (Travel).
...Forget that. What's this 'outside continuity' thing?
Outside continuity. Right.
Ever wondered where characters go between stories? Where they live once a story's done?
They live outside continuity - outside the continuity of their stories - in one of the many 'Outside Dimensions' that exist between Reality and Imagination. Outside continuity, anything can happen, and anything is possible - even things that directly contradict - since the characters are no longer bound by their stories. They can develop in any imaginable way - and usually do. (cf. Psycho Nyssa)
Think of it like an actor playing a role. Once someone writes a new story, the characters go back into the story and play the story out as they've been written, then afterwards they return to their lives Outside.
The catch is that, if the story in question was officially a part of the character's life - and what's official varies from character to character - then any changes they go through in that story are permanent once they go back Outside.
If the story _wasn't_ official - whether optional or fanfic - then any changes are optional, too; the character can choose whether or not to keep them.
This does make sense. Sort of.
The typical baseline for an Outside Dimension is that a character's native Outside Dimension is usually at least a) survivable - by their standards - and b) familiar.
Okay. A pub?
Well, that was the way it started out. Over time, it's become something more...
This Time Round is usually situated just outside the little town of Nameless, somewhere on the British coast, in its own particular set of Outside Dimensions. We use the plural since the 'Round has multiple - if not near-infinite - timelines.
Yeah, but a pub?
Heh. Blame Tyler Dion, the 'Round's creator, for that. Inspired by Kielle's Subreality Cafe, Tyler decided to come up with an equivalent for 'Doctor Who' - and so This Time Round was born.
There'd been stories set 'behind the scenes' of the stories before, usually set in the Land of Fiction. This Time Round's introductory story, however, was the one that caught alt.drwho.creative's attention - and led to this archive's creation.
...Right. alt.drwho.creative?
adwc is the Usenet newsgroup for posting and discussing 'Doctor Who' fanfiction. Most of the TTR stories to date have been posted to adwc, barring a few which have cropped up on other sites. It can be found on Google.
Submissions to the archive are gratefully accepted - you can put a story up on the This Time Round Livejournal, or, alternatively, email the archivist at narm00@btinternet.com, with a [TTRArchive] header, and the story attached in .txt or .rtf format (.doc format is also accepted, so long as it's in a zipped file).
Now, with all that said, onto the stories...
Updates - Latest stories in the archive. Page starts from 2nd January 2005. Last update 9th March 2018.
Stories by author - Stories organised by author.
Stories by title - Stories organised by title. Click on each letter on the 'titles' page to be taken to a list of all stories beginning with that letter.
Stories by type - Stories organised by type and/or subgenre.
Story order - Stories first organised by type, then in rough chronological order - at least, so far as you can have continuity outside continuity...
Livejournal - The This Time Round Livejournal, run offsite by Alryssa Kelly, where TTR fic (and TTR-related thoughts and ideas) can be posted. You can watch the LJ without having to join it; to post, however, you do need to join. If you do decide to join, the application will go by Alryssa for approval, so you'll have to wait a while (no more than a couple of days). [added 18th April 2005]
Resources - Factual resources on the 'Round - the alt.drwho.creative FAQ, the TTR FAQ, and the TTR Who's Who.
Links - Links to other sites of interest.
Email - Email the webmaster/archivist.
Obligatory disclaimer: 'Doctor Who' is copyright the BBC. All characters are copyright the BBC, Big Finish, Marvel, Virgin, or their respective copyright holders, and no infringement of that copyright is intended. This website is not for profit-making or commercial use. All material on this site written by its author unless otherwise indicated. Any similarities to real people/locations/events is accidental/coincidental/wildly improbable (delete as appropriate), apart from when otherwise specified. Stories may be removed from the archive at their author's request.
HTML by Imran Inayat, using Arachnophilia 4.0. Domain hosted by Fasthosts.